Warning, this is a bit of a rant, but I promise it all comes together in the end :)
Ok... I just have to tell you about this because it drove me BONKERS when I read it and have since seen many similar blog posts making the rounds.
I was scrolling through Pinterest recently looking for relationship tips and ideas for my blog and other posts. I was aiming for things along the lines of intimate questions to ask your partner, couples massage techniques, date ideas, etc.
Then I happened across a post titled "How to Make Your Man Constantly Think About You." Alright, while I didn't love the one-sidedness of the title, perhaps it could have an interesting idea. Welp, the answer was to up your oral sex game. Yep. That was the "relationship saver" for the writer of that particular post. She even referenced a guide and everything.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's great to want to pleasure your partner and there's no harm in having some skills (if you know what I mean), but the way it was written, and the way that so many relationship articles are written, is under the façade of "this one thing will save your relationship/marriage" and that is simply not true.
You know what will, though? Communication, listening and respect on BOTH sides. And a love and respect for yourself! It's very hard, if not impossible, to show up for others if you can't show up for yourself.
I had an amazing conversation with Relationship/Life Coach Shari Davenport about this last spring and she had some great tips and examples. Listening to this half hour interview will serve you much better than those click-bait articles!
(ok end of rant)